Testimonials (continued)

“I love my Jesus oil. I had a rash on my leg and had put Benedryl cream on it, hydrocortisone cream on it, antibiotic cream and even prescription anti fungus cream and nothing made it go away. One day I thought I am going to try the Jesus oil on it that was made by Rosemarie. I used it for 3 days and prayed and it went away and never came back. This was several months ago and it is still gone.
— Beth Rice, Ohio
Sacred oil experience

“Rosemarie Nasta-Hall… is great. My mom went to her for a reading when my sister first passed and everything she said was right! I just had a reading with her today she was right again! She validated a lot of things about my sister once again that people wouldn’t really know and she also knew things about other family members. Thank you so much Rosemarie for everything I can’t wait for another reading! I give her more than five stars, if you ever need a reading I would definitely call her. Thank you again.”
—Ashley Iacano, Long Island

“Thank you Rosemarie Nasta-Hall for the amazing medium reading today. Padre Pio came through so strongly and I received wonderful messages from him along with family members. As always your energy is so warming and peaceful. I will be recommending you to my friends and family. God Bless you.”
—Lisa Peace, LI
Mediumship Reading

“I would like to say a big thank you to Rosemarie for the most comforting, beautiful reading I had with her today she was on target with so many things that I could validate that she could not possibly know….. “social tea cookies” lol. My mom’s favorite cookie how could she know that? It’s not even a very popular cookie…..she came right out with actual names, not just a letter. I was very impressed and comforted by getting many messages from her. If you are looking to get healing or need to hear from a loved one, I highly recommend Rosemarie for reading, its a very comforting feeling…..hope anyone needs this give it a try….thank you again, and bless you for all you do for others.”
—Candylyn Joss
Duo Session- Long Distance Healing & Mediumship reading

“Rosemarie Nasta-Hall not only a dear friend colleague, the healer has helped my family tremendously over the last year. As we all are struggling through trials and tribulations, sickness change, uncertainty I just wanted to share how grateful my family and myself are.

“The soaps, scrubs, oils, prayers, messages of encouragement have helped us through so difficult times. This page of Messages and Miracles of Padre Pio has brought so much light to so many and to Rosemarie for her continued love and support.”
—Jennifer Romano
Sacred Oil experience, Healing, & All Products

“Rosemarie I just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you do. I love your live events and connecting in prayer with Padre Pio. As a young widower for the past 8 years, I have finally found peace in my heart and know my husband is guiding me and my two boys from heaven. Thank you again!”
—Paula C., Florida
Mediumship Session

“I participated in a healing online over the computer with Rosemarie. It was so special as all the divine must have known I needed some emotional healing because it brought me to tears. I could feel the presence of Jesus and then Mary as I closed my eyes and took deep breaths. I then felt the presence of my father who passed away years ago to the other side. When Rosemarie said that St. Padre Pio wanted us to put our hands up and I put my hands up facing Rosemarie’s hands on the computer I could feel a strong pull of energy coming from the palm of my hands and I could feel the loving spirit of St. Padre Pio. It was a very loving and positive light that came into my body and made me feel so at peace. It is amazing how something like this can take place over a computer screen with someone who is so far away. I will say you have to have faith and surrender to the idea that it is possible and then you will receive it. I can only imagine how powerful it probably is to be in person with Rosemarie. I wish I lived within a reasonable travel distance to go experience one of her healings in person. However, it is possible to receive that healing from a distance. I really needed that emotional healing more than I realized I did. It was a beautiful and peaceful experience. Thank you, St. Padre Pio, Jesus, Mary, and all the divine in heaven for using Rosemarie to help us here on earth.”
—Beth Rice, Ohio
Long Distance Healing

“I want to thank you for everything you have done. When my nephew was in the hospital, and I spoke to you about it without any hesitation you told me you would pray for him, and by the grace of God it helped, the next day he was released. I ask you to keep doing what you are doing I know there are people who don’t believe but don’t ever let that stop you because as many there are that don’t believe there are more who do and need your help and need people like you to be in there life and need your prayer. You are an amazing woman and I am so glad you came into my life.”
—John Gamble
Healing Prayers

“I have many of Rosemarie Nasta-Hall’s products but this oil BY FAR is most favorite. It resonates so well with me and immediately brings me a feeling of peace and calm. I use it with my daily prayer and my nightly rosary. Thank you for sharing your gift with us!”
—April G., LI
Sacred Oil Experience, & Products

“I wanted to share with you all about Rosemarie Nasta-Hall’s beautiful sacred oils that she retails @ La Bella Essentials Oils. I highly recommend using these oils, they truly help heal my mind, body & soul. When I use them I feel the healing energy balance my whole being, I feel at peace, connected to the Saint that the oil is associated with. My visions become clear, my prayers are more powerful. My favorite is Blessed Mother Mary sacred oil. I feel most at peace with this oil. I bless my children at night with it when we say our nightly prayers. I also use the oils to help heal my clients that are willing to experience these sacred oils. I am an LMT and I work on people who are mentally, physically and emotionally distressed. I feel the oils changing & lifting energies helping clients to heal, recover and relax into deeper states of rejuvenation. When you are using these oils ask your massage therapist or spa technician to use them on you during your treatments. If you are a healer start using them. It will help aid in your healing! God Bless! Stay well during these uncertain times.”
—Deborah Thayer
Sacred Oil Experience

“This is a testimony for the St. Padre Pio Oil. I got a splinter in my finger the other day and tried to get it out and I think I pushed it in further. I was lying in bed last night trying to sleep and my thumb started throbbing badly!! It was sore to touch and red! I thought I was going to have to go to urgent care today. I got up out of bed put some oil on it and prayed myself to sleep. I woke up at some point in the middle of the night and my arm and hand were itching. When I woke up this morning the soreness on my thumb was 95% better and it was not red. I don’t have to go to urgent care today!!! Below are pictures. You can still see the little entry point for the splinter on my thumb and it is still a little tender right at that spot but my whole thumb is not hurting and throbbing like it was! Thank you Rosemarie Nasta-Hall.”
—Beth Rice, Ohio
Sacred Oil Experience

“I have used Rosemarie Nasta-hall scrub along with my daughter it definitely helps with calming and relaxing after a long day or I use to Exfoliate my face in the morning to add some extra energy to my day.”
—Jennifer P. Romano, L,I.
Clearing Scrub

“I just wanted to Thank Rosemarie Nasta-hall for a wonderful healing session that I had with her yesterday October 10th. When starting the session Rosemarie Nasta-hall had me start with a prayer and then go into deep mediation with angelic music. While in deep mediation I saw an angel come to me 2 times, as well as the light and color energy.. I experienced that I was floating I felt as light as a cloud. Rosemarie Nasta-hall taught me how to work on myself with her great advice and pointers that she recommended. Rosemarie Nasta-hall is not just a friend she is a God Sent. Thank you for all that you do. I truly recommended Rosemarie Nasta-hall for any of the healing experiences that one may need. God Bless you always for what you do for us.”
—Maria M., Bronx, NY
Long Distance Experience

“I visited a psychic medium for guidance and she recommended that I call Rosemarie for help with a spiritual issue I was having. Instantly I felt that spirit wanted me to reach out to her, so I did. I called Rosemarie and she patiently listened to my issue, she was concerned and immediately wanted to help me. She asked for a picture of me and prayed over it, all at that moment.

“As soon as you speak to her you can tell that she has a big heart, is very caring and genuinely wants to help those in need. Rosemarie called and texted me constantly to check up on me and give me spiritual tips to do on a daily basis. There’s something so sweet and understanding about her that you could confide in her about anything, even the most sensitive subjects. She is so generous and even prayed over my picture so many times free of charge, without even meeting me yet.

“I finally got the opportunity to meet her at an event she was having in a salt cave on Long Island. It was amazing, she’s really one of a kind. Not only is she funny and personable, but she’s also very much connected to the divine. When she was praying over me and blessing me in the salt cave I got goosebumps on my arms and strongly felt Padre Pio with us at that moment. I left the event feeling lighter and happier, since speaking with her I can see a difference in myself, she has definitely helped me emotionally and spiritually. I can’t wait to see Rosemarie again, she cares and she’s gifted—definitely someone you could never forget! Thanks again, Rosemarie!”
—Sofia, L.I.
In-Person Healing (Salt Cave)

“I haven’t seen or spoken to Rosemarie Nasta-Hall in probably over 25 years. We connected on here to pray for my Father. We started speaking about my grandmother. My Dad has suffered so much since her passing and while chatting with her she told me things that blew my mind. Things I see and things I do that there’s no way she would’ve known. Her faithfulness to Padre Pio has made her a tool for his love and his divine help for us. I thank her so much for this. God Bless you, my friend.”
— Frank Carballo, Florida
Mediumship Reading

“Thank you Rosemarie for the Archangel Michael meditation tonight! It was amazing. The energy and healing was fantastic. I feel so much lighter, relaxed and less anxious! You truly are gifted and a powerful spiritual healer! Thank you again with all my heart! God Bless.”
—Carolyn Forgione, L.I.
Online Event

“I have to share my experience with everyone. We did a group reading with Rosemarie Nasta-Hall the other day and it was an amazing experience!! Rosemarie is awesome, she validated so many things it was unbelievable! She was very detailed and explained everything as much as possible! It was emotional, but I really enjoyed it. I will be doing all my future readings with her. She is truly gifted. I suggest everyone does this as well. You will not be disappointed and with Rosemarie’s gift, you will hopefully be able to communicate with your loved ones as I did! Thank you, Rosemarie! I am so happy we connected. We will be doing another reading very soon for sure!”
—Amy and Jac., L.I.
Group Mediumship Reading

“Thank you for your prayers and thank you Rosemarie Nasta-hall for sending your healing and prayers to my son. Not only did my son Vincent’s fever go down to a safe temperature almost immediately after we spoke but I could feel the saints and their loving energy with my son. It was truly amazing.”
—Laura Rosario, NY

“Since I’ve started the sessions with you I feel more balanced. I feel like I am being blessed. Since my sessions began with you, the divine has been visiting me daily three and four times daily. I am now seeing the sequences 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 666, 777, 888 and 999. This morning, I was running an errand and gazed up at my dashboard to see 11:11. I feel as though your sessions have awakened something in me that was dormant. Since your sessions, I feel as though you have brought the divine to me and they’re here to stay. These sequences are not random, they’re happening daily and numerous times during the day. I feel I am now on the right spiritual path and I am being supported.”
—Ray Perez, Long Island
In Person (Salt Cave Experience)

“Thank you Rosemarie for bringing Padre Pio in for our healing. It was amazing. My room during your channeling was filled with the smell of roses. Brilliant white light flashing in my mind’s eye. I’m taking it easy drinking lots of water.”
—Lisa O’Cone, NJ
Online Event

“Thank you so much! It was an enlightening healing event and Padre Pio’s energy was so strong. I feel fantastic.”
—Winter Ryan Brooke
Online Event

“Ro, this was an amazing meditation and healing. Padre Pio’s energy was so strong.”
—Lisa Tstas, NYC
Online Event

“Rosemarie has the true gift of connecting you to your loved ones.  I loved her so much the first time we met, 2 years ago, that I needed to meet with her again.  Both times she helped to bring me so much confirmation from my loved ones that they were watching over me and at peace.  Enjoy a reading with Rosemarie today! She is one of the best!”
—Carrie DeSantis, Bronx, NY
Mediumship Reading