Services Offered by Rosemarie
Healing with the Divine
One-on-One Personal Healing: Includes cleansing your body with sage or a clearing spray I make with Archangel Michael Detaching anything that does not belong to you that may be negative with assistance from Archangel Michael. The first 10 minutes consist of interaction with the client to establish what is happening in their life both physically and emotionally. Reiki and Energy healing consists of balancing your physical, spiritual, emotional well-being. I am able to connect with Divine Sources such as God, Divine Mother, the Saints, and Arch Angel Michael & Raphael. I channel from them what I need to do in the session and I use the Sacred Oil of the Saints whatever one I am called to use on you. In Addition, Saint Padre Pio came to me and advised me to anoint the sick with his oil as I pray to him, God and Divine Mother. I channel and infused the essence of his spirit in this oil. I cannot guarantee the outcome, I can only administer. I am available mornings, afternoon, evenings, and Weekends. If I am going to a LOCAL Residence, Hospital or Nursing Home, there is no additional traveling cost. A traveling cost will apply if I am traveling further than that. Depending on how far I need to travel. If there are any traveling costs it will be discussed before scheduling the appointment & payment. Long Distance Healing: It is the same as Personal Healing but it does a little bit differently. I recommend before the session the client should say a pray and use the oil of the saints. The client will lay down on the bed, couch or wherever they are comfortable. I will call the client at the appointment time. I am a conduit for healing with Saint Padre Pio and the Divine. I am able to do remote viewing and or astral plane healing which means my spirit/soul is the room while the saints and divine are doing the healing on the client. I then will let you know what they are doing and any messages they may have for you. I channel in the healing you need and what I need to do to assist them in this session. At times if the Saints have a message I will deliver to you as well. Clients have witnessed feeling warm or cold feeling, tingling sensations on parts of their body, goosebumps, scents and the presence of the Saints. I have had sessions where a pet or loved one will show to give you a few messages.
Mediumship Readings
One Hour Session
I use my gift to fulfill God’s work and connect with your loved ones who have passed on to the other side in Heaven. This is to help heal those who are grieving from the loss of a loved one. Our loved ones that have crossed over in God’s white light are just as eager to speak to us, so you know they are okay and still with you in your daily life. Giving validation of memories of their life here, so you can validate it’s your loved one that is giving you the messages. Most of all they want you to know that the bond & love that you have is not depleted because they passed, their soul is still alive and very much with you. They may even give information about things that have happened while they’ve passed so that you know they are watching down from Heaven and you are not alone. They may give guidance in the healing messages.
I am not in control of what they have to say or who comes through for you in the reading. You are welcome to bring jewelry, pictures or any items. Before the reading invite your loved ones to the reading. Recording of the session is allowed.
Reading is as follows: In-Person, Skype, or by telephone.
Availability: Morning, Afternoon, Evening, and Weekends.

*After payment is received I will contact you within 24 hours to schedule an appointment.